Read more about the article Yellow Spot Irish Whiskey: JAWS Rating 6.1/10​
Yellow Spot Irish Whiskey-Nose: Vanilla, dried fruit, apricot. Palate: Peaches, vanilla, zest. Finish: long, dried apricots, butterscotch, little bitter. Bottle is about $100..

Yellow Spot Irish Whiskey: JAWS Rating 6.1/10​

Yellow Spot Irish Whiskey: A Whiskey Review by The Whiskey Noob   So far I haven't been a huge fan of Irish whiskies so far, but I'm doin my duty…

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Read more about the article Mosswood Barrel Aged Irish Whiskey: JAWS Rating 4/10​
Mosswood Barrel Aged Irish Whiskey review-JAWS rating: 4/10. The Whiskey Noob. Nose:  nuts, dried fruit, cinnamon. Palate: peanuts, cinnamon, vanilla, almonds. Finish: long, brown sugar, sour, bitter back end

Mosswood Barrel Aged Irish Whiskey: JAWS Rating 4/10​

Mosswood Barrel Aged Irish Whiskey A Whiskey Review by The Whiskey Noob   I went to a local bar and asked the bartender if he could suggest a new Irish…

Continue ReadingMosswood Barrel Aged Irish Whiskey: JAWS Rating 4/10​